I’m not sure what to title this, so this will have to do!

“Plus, when you have God, you’re always happy.”

That was the reply one of my followers/someone I follow gave me on Twitter when I wrote him a direct message asking him if He was always happy.  Haha for real, this guy posts some of the most uplifting, bright, happy go lucky tweets of anyone that I follow.  I actually really appreciate people who also have bright spirits in this world.  It’s too easy to “go to the dark side.”  Anyway, naturally, his reply sparked a thought in my mind, and I told him I’d have to write a blog about it.

There’s a difference between joy and happiness.  In my opinion, happy is a state of mind.  It is temporary, and it is fleeting because it is dependent on circumstances.  To have happiness, every condition needs to be just right.  One inch too far to the left or the right, and your mood comes crashing down.  Joy is a state of heart. True joy is found in Christ, and it is permanent, regardless of the circumstances.  The circumstances may never be right, but you will have joy because your hope, peace, comfort, safety, and identity are found in Him.

He is the only One who is able to offer us what we truly need in this life.  As I’ve began a real-lationship with Him after nearly dying (again) earlier this year, I realized that in the end, He is all that matters.  Nothing I can acquire on this Earth can even begin to measure up to who He is, how He loves, what He has to offer.  I highly encourage people to seek Him when they feel like their life is missing something, or someone.  He is so often the missing ingredient when we’re trying to get our lives to taste “just right,” yet few actually seek Him out.

I’ve honestly always been the optimistic type, but this has been a year that could easily change that.  It’s literally been one thing after another since the middle of January.  I had a ruptured brain aneurysm on the night of February 4, 2012. As I’ve said before, I had no idea what an aneurysm was until mine ruptured.  Having emergency brain surgery, surviving a life threatening condition, trying to figure out “the new normal,” standing by friends as their loved ones have passed away (whether expected or unexpected, it still hurts), having to make some tough calls to make sure that I’m putting my health first, turning 25, realizing and accepting that my life is absolutely nothing like I’ve ever planned it to be, realizing and accepting that my life will be different but still a version of normal now, learning to live with a newfound, unexpected, mild acquired brain injury… Yeah, those are all events that have had the capacity to destroy my outlook.  “Why, how can you still manage to be happy?” is a question I hear very often from people who hear my story, and I have to say that I’m not always happy, but I am always filled with joy.  Why?  How?  Because!  I put God first in my life, now.  He’s no longer on the back burner, per se.  Just there if I need Him.  No, no, no.  He is here because I need Him, not if!

He created us to need Him!  He created us to turn to Him in all circumstances in life, even the things that we think He wouldn’t care the least about.  Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV) reads “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  That verse has been instrumental in my recovery, because sometimes I feel ungrateful complaining about the (minor) deficits I do have, and the headaches I experience.  I think “you’re alive, Robin, stop complaining! It could be so much worse and here you are whining about a migraine.  Oh boo hoo, besides, God’s got better things to deal with than your silly little headache.  Tough it out!”  But clearly, I am able to take my migraines (fatigue, difficulties concentrating, and memory lapses haha) to Him, even if I could’ve suffered something much, much worse.

People have also asked me “So, you mean to tell me, you still love ‘a’ God who would make you so sick you almost died? What is wrong with you?”  Haha.  I have to somewhat laugh at this.  First of all, He did not make me sick, He allowed me to become sick.  God knows how to reach each of us, because He created all of us.  God knows that my mind is both my best friend and my worst enemy.  God knows that He had to cause something drastic in my body to get to my (soul) heart.  I’m not saying that everyone whose ever had a serious illness is the work of God trying to get to them, either.  I’m just saying that He customizes the ways He reaches us, depending on what He knows will get to us.  I’m just saying that in my particular case, I do believe that God allowed this to happen to reach me.  I’m just saying that yes, I do still love Him, praise Him, and seek Him because He proved the power of His love, even when He didn’t have to.  He showed me immense grace and mercy, because He’s giving me another chance, and this time I want nothing more than to live for Him, share Who He is with others, and have the chance to hear “well done, good and faithful servant!” when it is my final call Home. 

He proved the power of His love when, on the morning of surgery, I was able to write that I wasn’t scared because God is with me.  He proved the power of His love when the doctors, nurses, therapists and staff were able to treat me well.  He proved the power of His love when my family, my friends, and even strangers were pouring out precious time and energy to help get me back to “me.”  He proved His love when people would encourage me, remind me of who I am, love on me.  God works through many (and sometimes I find quite strange) ways.  Do I understand them?   No.  I can’t even begin to fathom how He works.  Isaiah 55:8-9, right there!  But I do know that I am entirely grateful, no matter what has had to be done for Him to accomplish His works.  Philippians 1:6 and Romans 8:28!  Those verses in bold just describe this year, this experience, this new life I’m living.  Romans 12:2 :)

So, all in all, even during my not so awesome days, I am joyful at heart because I know there’s a deeper reason for this.  I know it isn’t about me becoming sick, it isn’t about me nearly dying, it isn’t about me at all.  I’m merely a vessel He’s decided to use to display who He is, and I’m willing and able to speak about it.  I’m willing and able to share my test turned testimony.  I am unashamed, and I am completely thankful that He has given me the opportunity to be able to share His Truth.  It’s really awesome.  I was never a “bad” person (haha quite the opposite–considered ‘miss goody two shoes’ by most) before I became sick, but my heart wasn’t right.  God searches our hearts. See: Jeremiah 17:10.  We can do the most philanthropic, loving, kind, caring acts on this planet, but if our heart isn’t right, then we are not right.  I did good, but was my heart always good?  Were my motives always in the right place?  I can honestly say no, not always.

I got a good wake-up call, a solid reality check.  My ears, eyes, and heart are wide open.  I’m attentive, I’m listening, and I’m doing my best to live right, from the heart, every day that I am blessed to see.  That’s what joy is.  I’m not always happy, but my heart is always filled with joy. :)  He is giving me another chance, to make it right, when He surely did not have to.  The odds were totally against me, but He said “no” to a physical death, in exchange for a spiritual death and rebirth.  What’s not to find joyful about that?  Not everyone is so blessed, and plenty of people die everyday, having not had the chance to make it right.  As I say, as I’ve learned this year, “tomorrow is a privilege, not a promise.  Make it right today!”  If you’re breathing, then you’re able to make it right in your heart with Him.  Confess your sins (He already knows, anyway), repent, and allow Him to work within you to change your life.  Well, the life He’s letting you borrow everyday.  We all belong to Him at the end of the day. :)  He’s a great caregiver.  Loving, kind, generous, and able.  Seek Him out, return to Him the (soul) heart He’s blessed you with, and live your life full of joy, regardless of whether or not you feel happy.  He’s able to provide.  I promise!  Besides, I can honestly say that my worst day with Him is better than my best days were without Him!  I sincerely mean that, too.  Try Him out, you’ll see it for yourself. :)

If you’ve read this, thank you.  I hope that you have a blessed day, and that something here “spoke” to you if it’s something you needed to hear.  If it has, you’re welcome.  Give God praise for the events He lines up that spark thoughts like this in my mind, where I feel I have to share it with someone.   Life’s just funny like that.  Go out, smile, and breathe.  If something is holding you back, remember that you can turn to Him with anything and He will hear you.  Allow Him to guide you where you need to go, and allow Him to move within your life.  Also, remember that happiness is dependent on circumstances, true joy is not.  True joy is only found in Christ.

Philippians 4:10-13 (NIV)  “I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me.  Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it.  I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

Well, well, well…

Oh my gosh.  I am horrible at blogging!!  I just get so caught up in whatever I’m doing, I don’t take the time to sit down and write.  So, what have I been up to?

What haven’t I been up to?  This is going to be an incredibly random post… Haha.  Work with me, here.

In the past two weeks I have:
Worked. At each of my two jobs.
Been to church a few times.
Received my flu shot.
Regretted receiving the flu shot when I was reminded of how sore your arm becomes. :( Haha.
Laughed a lot.
Cried a little bit.
Reconnected with a dear friend of mine who kind of fell off the past 8 months.
Learned to control my temper.
Lost my temper.
Prayed and asked the Lord to “temper my temper.”
Comforted a friend.
Thought of being manipulative to hurt someone who hasn’t been the nicest towards me.
Decided against the thought of manipulation to retaliate, because really, what good does it do?
Decided instead to pray about this situation, this person (and people) involved, and ask the Lord to give me wisdom in the situation.
Reminded myself to “inhale, exhale, repeat.”  Seriously… I have a hot headed temper.  Can’t even lie about it.
Been to a Christian concert.

Enjoyed said concert.

Drank a mint chocolate chip milkshake.  Seriously, it’s divine!

Craved drinking a pumpkin milkshake.  I love all things pumpkin flavored.
Eaten a good steak dinner.  Twice.
Drank a chai tea latte from Starbucks. Twice.
Experienced the birth of a beautiful baby girl.
Held said newborn who wasn’t even two hours old and saw her tiny little eyes try to take in the world around her.  She was warm, kicking, and precious.
Been out of town to the DFW area for the second time since I’ve been home for something other than a doctor’s appointment.
Considered what I want to do with my life.
Debated back and forth what I want to study when I do get back into school.  Ahhh, what to do, what to do? Heeeelp!
Had a sleepover with one of my best friends in the middle of the week.
Paid bills for myself as well as helping my family.
Been reminded daily of everything I have to be thankful for, even when it seems like everything can be really overwhelming.

Life is good, y’all. :)  Hope that you are all doing well!!!


“A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.”

I actually have no idea who said that, and my Google search to properly accredit its origin has rendered useless haha.  But I have always loved it, and it applies more to my life this year than any year I’ve yet lived.  Except maybe that first year, after all… I was born fighting to live, literally.  I’ll post about that another time, though.

Yesterday, the pastor preached yet another wonderful sermon.  Ever since I’ve started going to this church, I haven’t attended any event that didn’t leave me spiritually nourished.  Maybe it’s the church, or maybe it’s the fact that I’m open to being fed, now.  I don’t know, but I love what I’ve found, here.  Anyway, his sermon was about going “beyond my boat” and he structured it around Matthew 14:22-33.

As usual, it got me thinking, and I was thinking about how people will sometimes step out of their boat, fear they’re sinking, and then call out to something to save them.  What is that “something” for you?  Do you reach for a bottle to drown out the loneliness?  Do you light up another joint to “rise above it all?”  Do you take him/her to bed just one more time in hopes that maybe it’ll help you numb the pain?  Or do you retreat entirely, just thinking if you push everyone away, you can deal better?  I used to be that way, thinking if I just pushed everyone away, it’d give me time and space to think and I’d feel much better.  I’m not anymore, because I find refuge in Jesus through my trials.

You see, this year, I didn’t choose to step out of my boat.  I got pushed out, into uncharted seas, and boy were they raging.  I didn’t know how to navigate these waters, neither did my family or my friends, bosses, co-workers, anyone, really.  You can’t understand this unless you’ve been in the situation yourself.  It’s just very odd, brain injuries and all.  It makes for a lot of adjustment, patience, determination, faith, and strength.  In the beginning, I was terrified of living my life, even though they had saved my life.  Everyday I battled with the negative mindset of “something else is going to happen to me, and I’m just going to die.”  A psychologist I ran into “accidentally” (I don’t believe in accidents haha) told me “It’s like you’re just waiting for the other shoe to drop.”  Yeah, exactly.  I was waiting for that next monstrous wave to crash into my tiny sailboat and cast me even further from the shore.  I just knew something would kill me.  And you know what?  Something will.  But like my neurosurgeon told me at my last follow up in June, “I don’t think you’re in any imminent danger of dying suddenly, right now.  You’re okay.”  Being reassured from the medical staff who helped save my life means a lot to me, because they would know… They deal with that stuff everyday.

Anyway, I’m still sailing along, and I’ve been given clarity to see the direction in which I’m traveling.  I’ve learned strategies to help prepare for those storms that will inevitably pass through (prayer, music, relaxation techniques, knowing when to say no and walk away, days of rest and not feeling guilty about how I can’t “run” like I use to) and how to keep from sinking if I do end up having to tread water because one of those waves was just rocky enough to toss me back out into the big, bad, ocean of brain injury.  It is still scary at times, and I still have my doubts, but nearly 7 months in (wow, I can’t believe it’s almost been that long already) I can say I’m much stronger than I was in the beginning.  I would say months 1-5 were the most difficult just trying to process it all and figure out where to go next.  The bills piling up, not being able to work as I was able to previously, questioning God while simultaneously thanking Him for giving me life again, the paperwork, the sinus infection, the awful heartburn everyday for months, horrible sleep schedule… All of it, it was just so much to handle at once.  But you know what? I got through that.  Thank God.  I seriously thank God everyday.

When I have an S.O.S moment these days, He’s the one I reach for.  Since I cannot physically hold His hand, I reach for His Word and soak myself in the Truth of it all.  It helps to calm me down, reassure me that things will be okay, and gives me hope that even if things don’t feel okay, I will have the strength to get through it with Him on my side.  It feels wonderful, you know… To know that He will always be the exact same, in spite of how the world around me changes, in spite of how I change as I grow.  God is so awesome!

He has this remarkable ability to be there for you, just as He is for me.  His love is unlimited, and He is willing to share it with everyone who seeks Him.  All you have to do is ask, and He’ll come to your rescue.  How awesome is that? :)

Haha I’m sitting here and I was going to say something else on this particular post, but now I can’t remember what I was going to say!  Hahah, mannnn.  If I think of it, I’ll come back and edit this.  But if not, I just want to encourage you to seek Him to do your saving.  You’ll never find anything on this Earth that will give you the peace and comfort He can.  Remember, all you have to do is ask.  I hope this finds you all in good spirits, and living happily and healthily. :)

How He Loves.

One of my faaaavorite Christian bands and songs.  I just love this so much.  When I first heard it after surgery, I bawled.  Why?  Because it’s true, and if you’ve had a heart change and truly live for Christ, you’ll realize just how deeply He loves all of us.  It may even be enough to make you shed a tear, too.  Haha.  Anyway, just thought I’d share it with everyone. :)  I’ve got to get running and get onto work for the day, but I hope all of my readers make today a good one!!!



Another one of those posts where I’m unsure of a title.

I wrote and posted this status on Facebook this morning, and I felt the need to share it here, as well.  :)

“Okay… This (novel length-haha) status may seem mean, but that is not my intention. My intention is to try and reach people, so that maybe they too will have a change in heart (as I have– praise God) and truly give their life up to the Lord. So… With that being said, I’m telling y’all right now that a few of you will probably offended and may even see me differently, but that’s okay. The truth usually offends people. I know my heart in saying what I’m about to say, and so does He. That’s all that matters. Here goes!Just because a person dies does not mean that they go to Heaven. Yes, I really just said that. Let it sink in, because it’s the truth.

I guess it’s a common misconception sought out in the need of trying to find comfort in dealing with the loss of a loved one through death. A great loss, eternal, and final. Truthfully, you just want to feel that the person you care for is no longer in pain, and that they’ll forever rest in peace. I understand that sentiment very well, and I would like that for everyone. That’s why I’m saying this. I love people as a whole (even if I may dislike individuals) and I hate to see people suffering. It breaks my heart.

Anyway, 6 months ago, when I was dying and didn’t know it, I can tell y’all with 100% sincerity and honesty that I would NOT have gone to Heaven. I just wouldn’t. Not because I was an evil person or some highly immoral sinner. But because I hadn’t (yet) had a HEART change. That’s why we’re commanded in Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” My heart wasn’t right. Sure, I did and said a lot of nice things, and those who know me best know that I was overall a good person, one they’d feel went straight to Heaven had I died. Thank y’all for that. But I know I wouldn’t have, because my heart wasn’t right with God, wholly. My heart was right with Him sometimes, and quite often… But it wasn’t wholly right, day in and day out. My heart didn’t belong to God. It belonged to me and whatever I wanted to do at the time. Everything we do comes from our hearts. It’s kind of crazy to trace every action or thought back to your heart, but if you really think about it, you might be able to see the connection. Anyway, on February 10 (4 days after an emergency brain surgery to save my life) I made the decision to give my heart to Him for good. I had grown up in church, I was baptized at a young(ish) age, I prayed the prayers, and sang the songs. It was just routine, and something I did because I liked it (but I hadn’t yet loved it) enough. My heart wasn’t in it. I decided in that ICU room that obviously I had undergone something very serious that I may have not survived. I didn’t know it yet just how close I was to death, but I knew my head hurt bad enough and that I felt weak enough I felt like I could have died and I was scared, because I realized in my heart that I didn’t know where I would’ve went and I wasn’t right with God. I made the decision to change that right then, and nothing has been the same since.

John 3:3 reads “Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.'” Everyday we have another chance at life on this Earth, is a day we have the opportunity (and should grasp it) to be born again. To give our hearts, bodies, minds, and souls to Jesus Christ. This is easy, yet we never take advantage of it, because it requires so much sacrifice and change. But you know what? The greatest sacrifice has already been made, and the debt paid. He paid our debt when He was sacrificed on the cross to pay for our sins. Do you hear that? He died for you. Yes, you. Me. Our families, friends, strangers we don’t even know. We can go to Him in our brokenness and sins, ask for forgiveness and truly repent of them, and we will be forgiven because He’s already paid the ultimate cost. All He asks in return is that we keep His commandments (John 14:15), and live for Him in everything (Colossians 3 is GREAT scripture to read for living a life focused on Him), and to love Him with everything we have (Mark 12:30). I truthfully don’t think those are too big of sacrifices to make, when I consider He DIED for me. Surely, I can LIVE for Him.

Back to John 3:3. To be born again means to be spiritually reborn. It is a definite and sure change, and I assure you that you can feel it in your heart. Everything will become different to you. It’s truly like you see with different eyes, hear with different ears, and think with a new mind (Romans 12:2) and it is beautiful. I encourage you all to try it for yourself. Ask Jesus into your heart and allow Him to reign supreme over everything your life. Confess that you are a sinner in need of a Savior, and that you believe Jesus died for your sins. You need to mean this with your heart and be sincere, though. When you do this, He will hear you, and send His Holy Spirit to dwell within you (Ephesians 1:13-14) guaranteeing your inheritance. If you think He doesn’t care about you, or that He can’t hear you… That’s not true. He does care, and He can hear everyone! He even says in Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. FOr everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” See? Just go to Him. He’ll be there, and He will answer. Reminds me of the song that Hillsong sings (The Rescue– beautiful song) “I called, You answered. And You came to my rescue and I wanna be where You are.”

When you give your life and heart up to God, you do truly feel the way they sing in those songs. Now that I’m living my life for God, I can feel the Christian songs I once sang just out of routine or because I thought the words are pretty. Haha, a friend of mine cries “Jesus tears” at music, and I totally get it, now!! The lyrics just have new meaning. I’m telling y’all… Everything becomes new when you give your life up to Him. It’s a beautiful thing, and if you truly do want to go to Heaven when your time on Earth is done, then you’ll have to make a true heart change and give it all up for Him. I want this for everyone, just as I was so graciously (and I could talk about God’ INCREDIBLE saving grace all day long haha) granted another chance to get it right. Ephesians 2 is another good read on this, especially verses 8-9. They read “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith– and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not by works, so that no one can boast.” Amen. I don’t brag about me doing this… I made the decision to have a real-lationship with God, and this is no doing of my own, but of Him living through me. I didn’t choose to “get real” with Him either just to go to Heaven. No, I want to live for Him because He has given me life again when He could have easily called me out of this world. I’m so thankful for that. God is so good.

So, y’all… Just let me say it again: tomorrow is a privilege, not a promise. Make it right today. Life is fleeting, and we never know when our time could be over. Take what time you do have to make it right with Him. Yeah, you’ll have to walk a less traveled road, and it won’t be easy… But the eternal reward is what it’s all about. It’s worth it. That’s all I want to say. I love y’all, and I pray everyone has a blessed day. ♥”

I am new.

If there’s ever been a song to relate my life to, this song is it.  This is my song for this year!!  I love it, and the lyrics say how I feel perfectly. :)  What a perfectly fitting song to sing along to on my six month annie-versary. :)  “I am not who I was, I’m being remade, I am new.  I am chosen and holy, and I’m dearly loved, I am new, I am new.” Jason may be singing about someone who is struggling with letting go of a past sin or an idea of themselves that is against what God says about us… But the chorus just reminds me of me and my journey this year.  It’s pretty awesome :)



Just wanted to share this song/video with y’all because I just love this song SO much!  Every time I hear it when I’m cruising down the street, I just get so pumped up about God and the awesomeness of He! Haha.  I have just now seen (parts of) the video, and it looks so fun.  I know for sure I’d have a blast jumping around up there on that rooftop and dancing/singing/praising with like minded people. Plus, I’m in a music video… Um, cool! Hahah.  I especially love the part where he is singing the Lord’s Prayer and the sound of the instruments in the background.  Poetic, and awesome. :)


At Your Name

Another one of my favorite songs.  I just have songs randomly pop into my mind… And this one is one of the best worship songs I’ve heard. :) I very rarely ever listen to any secular music, now, except country (hello, I’m Texan!) and acoustic, mellow types of music… I just don’t want to pollute my mind and soul with the junk of the world, honestly.  And I want to keep giving God the glory for the amazing things He’s done for me!  Phil Wickham is one of my favorite Christian artists, no doubt! So I just want to share this song with anyone reading!

This one especially speaks to me because of this crazy year I’ve been going through.  I just feel like anything can be accomplished in the name of Jesus.  That’s exactly what this song says to me, and I love it!  I know I’m here because of a great God who loves with a love unending and unfailing.  There’s no other reason.  Yes, science and medical technology helped save my life, but if it wasn’t in the Lord’s plan for me to be alive, I wouldn’t be.  It doesn’t matter what technological advances the doctors knew to do.  My life ultimately belongs to Him, and He’ll do with it what is in His will.  I trust He has good plans for me, though, and that’s why I’m here! :)

Music heals, this I believe! :)

I listen to music a lot when I write.  Tonight, I have my Pandora tuned to the Shane and Shane station, and as I was writing my last post Purpose, a beautiful song came on  and I just wanted to post it here because it explains a lot about the way that I feel.  Maybe it’ll “speak” to you, too!


Well… I’m not sure where to begin this post, I just have some things weighing on my mind tonight and I want to get them out.

I have this thing about one incident turning into many incidents of the same.  I’ll try to elaborate, because I don’t even think that makes much sense.  So let me just “say” it as I think it… Here we go! :) Bear with me, haha  my mind does odd things now… Anyways…

I never heard of anyone who had a brain injury/surgery/tumor/aneurysm/AVM/any other condition until after I went through my own ordeal with a ruptured brain aneurysm.  Well, in high school I did have a friend who had a brain bleed and emergency brain surgery after an AVM burst.  But now it’s like all of these “brain buddies” are coming out of the woodwork.  Why?

God has a purpose for everything in our lives.  It is no accident that all of a sudden, people with similar brain injuries are coming from everywhere and I feel able to help them.  I feel compelled to pray and share the faith that was displayed when people all over the country and world were praying for me.  I didn’t know I was so loved until my family told me when I was conscious again about how many people cared.  I didn’t know I was loved until I got my phone back 4 days after surgery, and began to go through my inbox reading the massive amount of texts, then listening to voicemails, and seeing comments on Facebook, mentions on Twitter.  Love.  Thank you to everyone who has showed me love.  I may have some memory issues, but I will never forget what y’all made me feel.  Thank you for displaying that.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I feel like when something traumatic happens in our lives, and God brings us through something challenging, it becomes our responsibility as a true Christian to assist others in that predicament.  No, your stories don’t have to be the exact same (and I don’t think any two brain injuries are alike, anyway) but you share a common ground, so you have something that will be valuable to someone, somewhere.  It becomes your duty to share your own struggles, victories, and encouragement to the next person.  Pay it forward, I guess.  Keep spreading the hope, allowing others to see that there really is a light in a dark place.

I don’t really know why God has me here, I don’t.  I don’t know why He didn’t let me die when I was a baby and severely premature weighing in at 1 lb. 8 oz., I don’t know why He didn’t allow me to die almost six months ago (I count by weeks, not by the 4th & 6th of every month haha) when the doctors said I had a Hunt and Hess Score of 4-5 which meant a 10-20% chance of even surviving.  I don’t know why I’m here, and as an intellectual person, I question this everyday.  I search for this answer everyday, I pray to and ask Him for His reasoning everyday, and I’m not so sure I’ve heard why, yet.  Maybe this is the reason why… Just to speak on what I know, and remind others that there is hope, that faith does go far, that prayer does matter.  I don’t know.  But that’s okay.  I won’t stop praying, I won’t stop believing, I won’t stop spreading the faith.

Jeremiah 29:11 has become such a balm to my chafed spirit, this year.  “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  How awesome is that?  When your entire world comes crashing down at the young age of 24, and you’re forced to face your mortality, you’re scared to live, you’re scared to die, you’re scared in general… This verse is a good one to turn to. I  know I’m not the only one who can relate to a challenging time in life.

This recovery is difficult, maybe I make it look easy.  But I’ll tell you that the reason it looks so “easy,” is because first of all, I give it up to the Lord everyday… And secondly, I didn’t start this blog until I believe 5 months after surgery.  When I first came home, I was in no emotional state to write openly about how I felt.  Everything would have been so downtrodden and full of negativity.  That is not who I am.  I’ve always had a spirit of a fighter, since the day I was born.  I’ve always had an optimistic outlook on life, but this brain injury/surgery and the parts of my brain affected most, have changed that to an extent.  It is getting better as the time passes on, but I still have very emotional days where I doubt my strength, or if I’m ever going to feel “normal” again.  That is not why God left me here, for me to be oppressed and broken.  No, I can’t spread the light of who He is if I’m living in the dark and letting it keep me locked in.  I chose to wait until I felt more emotionally stable before I began to blog about what happened.  Some days are better than others, but since changing my outlook on this event and this recovery (which is a lifelong thing–brain injuries don’t just disappear and get better one day) it seems like everyday is a good day.  Haha.  I have struggles everyday, like any other person… But I don’t view them the same.  I’ve said “if you can’t change the situation at hand, change your attitude towards the situation at hand.”  It’s so true.  I can’t change the fact that I have an injured brain (mostly right temporal lobe for me) but I can change the fact that I have an attitude to view it with, and make that aspect better.
So to all of my new brain buddies, I’m praying for you.  T, the woman who was in ICU right next to me (and just so happens to be an ICU nurse at the hospital we were both patients in–that’s crazy!), Matthew Cook (whom I’ve never met, but he is a very close friend of a friend of mine, and we have a common ground)  MK (once again, whom I don’t know, but I learned about through a retweet of a retweet of her friend on Twitter), and the daughter of my therapist (seriously, God’s up to something… I went to him to seek help in dealing with the emotions of this trauma and recovery–not to pray for his daughter who has a brain tumor… But God knows what He’s doing when He places you in the life of someone or places someone in your life), I am praying for each of you.  I pray that God restores your life, and makes it better than it was before.  I pray for patience, strength, acceptance, perseverance, and patience with oneself and the world around you.  It is a challenging road, but it can be walked.  You can do it!  Philippians 4:13!!  Seek Christ in your weakness, and He will lift you up and make you strong!  You’ve got my support!

To anyone who loves and/or cares for someone with a brain injury, stay strong! Keep the faith, keep the fight!!  There’s a blog on here that explains what that phrase (keep the faith, keep the fight) means, but it has become integral to my own life and my own recovery.  I pray for you, too, because it takes  a toll on you, too!  I understand that you have frustrations in not knowing how to care for this person, or how to accept their changes, I understand.  It is very trying, and tiring.  In many ways.  I’m praying for you!!  You can do it, and you’ve got my support.  Us brain buddies thank you for being there for us!

Be blessed, y’all! :)