Eleven Months Today!!!

I’m going to come back to this entry tomorrow and actually write it, but I just want to make a declaration… Eleven months!!!  It is in fact possible for someone’s entire life to change in 11 months.  Well, praise God that I am here and that I am doing well.  Life is just on the up and up, in my eyes.  But then again, I’m also “the glass is completely full…  Half of liquid, half of air” kind of person.  Haha even a negative can become a positive in my eyes, because my heart tells me that it’s all about perspective.

My perspective today is God first, health second, family, friends, and everything else.  But majority of my life falls into any of those categories.  I’d even toss work in with family and friends because I’ve been at my place of employment since November 2006 (except for a 6 month break when I was also working full time in the emergency room) and they have been both my friends, co workers, bosses, and have become a sort of family.  Life is just really good for me right now.

Happy new year, by the way!  I realize that since my last entry, I haven’t written (I’ve just found it hard to sit down and compose something, honestly… Although I have lots to talk about!) and so I haven’t had the chance to say that I hope everyone’s Christmas went well, and that everyone has come into this new year with hope in their hearts, passion, perseverance, and perspective.  I will come back tomorrow, edit this, and give y’all a “real” entry… I just wanted to type a little something!  Right now, I’m getting a headache, and it’s probably because I only got oh, like 5 hours of sleep last night (trouble sleeping, lately) so I need a decent night’s rest.  That’s what I’m going for!  Goodnight, and be blessed, everyone! :)


EDIT:  I really did want to come back and give y’all a “real” entry today, but with rain moving into the forecast over the next two days, I was pretty much bed-ridden with an intense migraine.  Thank you, barometric pressure headaches, and thank you, brain surgery!   I have to remind myself that these headaches are a small price to pay for life.  It’s true, too.  Tylenol helps take the edge off, but it doesn’t take the headache away like it would a “normal” headache.  Nothing takes the headache away until the pressure gets back to whatever level it normally is that doesn’t cause my head to throb.  Haha.  I still haven’t figured out if I get these headaches when the pressure is too high, or too low, but I get them and nothing takes them away.  It’s definitely no fun, and I don’t feel in the right mental space to write like I want to.  Therefore, it may be a few days before I get around to writing my update.  Hope that everyone is doing well, though.  Be blessed! :)

I am new.

If there’s ever been a song to relate my life to, this song is it.  This is my song for this year!!  I love it, and the lyrics say how I feel perfectly. :)  What a perfectly fitting song to sing along to on my six month annie-versary. :)  “I am not who I was, I’m being remade, I am new.  I am chosen and holy, and I’m dearly loved, I am new, I am new.” Jason may be singing about someone who is struggling with letting go of a past sin or an idea of themselves that is against what God says about us… But the chorus just reminds me of me and my journey this year.  It’s pretty awesome :)