Do good, live well.

That’s the lesson our dad taught us, just by how he lived. Growing up, he’d give us life lessons in bite sized pieces and they definitely stuck. One of the main lessons was, “don’t do wrong and expect things to work out,” followed closely by “make good choices.” He’d say “college, knowledge, dollars,” and constantly stress the importance of education and the power it brings with it. Our dad truly was, still is, and will forever be a great gift. I know my siblings and I give thanks for him everyday, and I love how much the three of us really are like him in so many ways, even if we are our own people. I absolutely would not be where I am or who I am without my brother and sister, either. I’m glad our dad constantly told us to have one another’s back, because we’ve leaned heavily on one another the past four years.

Four years ago today, my siblings and I lost our dad very suddenly and unexpectedly to a heart attack. I will never forget this day as long as I live, because I was the one who called the ambulance to report he was deceased. I found him early in the morning, around 7:30 a.m., and my entire life changed in that moment. Again. I don’t know how I did it, but I kept calm. “You’re so calm,” remarked the police chief (as well as one of the detectives) who came out to the house. I told each of them I was honestly trying not to panic because I didn’t know how my brain would react. I’d already had a “surprise seizure” just two years earlier (out of nowhere), and I didn’t want to have another one triggered by stress. I knew I couldn’t panic because I had to be there for my brother and sister, and someone had to speak for our dad. That someone was me. As the oldest sister and the one who was present when/where he passed, I had to step up and get to work. My main concern that day was making sure I was handling the business of death and speaking up about/for our dad, informing our family, and then taking care of my brother and sister.

In easily one of the most difficult days of my life, I managed to hold it all together when my inside was shattering. I was so broken, but I also knew what my dad would want from me and for me. He would want me to find peace wherever I could, and keep my head up. For me, that means getting to work. I immediately went into business mode. As much as death (especially suddenly) is emotional and painful, it is also a business, and settling an estate is not easy. It’s exhausting, dark, heavy. It complicates grief because you can’t even focus on hurt when you have to get all of these things done.

I remember the coroner asked us if we’d like to see our dad before they took him to the morgue and sent his body out for an autopsy and at first I said no. My sister said yes, but then I felt like I should just be beside her when she saw him. Looking at him, he looked so peaceful, he honestly just looked like he fell asleep. That was the day I realized how much of life is about a person’s energy and essence. It’s what they do while they’re alive, that makes them who they are. Bodies are truly just shells, vessels to carry the spirit through this world. I can’t explain it, maybe some of you have experienced it, but when someone passes away, everything that made them “them,” passes away too. It was a profound lesson to learn on that gray, cool Easter day, because it impacted how I want to live while I have time left. Our father left a legacy through us, and I am so grateful for it!

I made my dad three promises, and I am three for three. I finished school like I promised him I would, and that was one of his greatest hopes because he believed so strongly in knowledge and using what you know well. Although he did not go to college, he was honestly one of the smartest men I’ve ever met. He read so much, he would quiz us on current events and life in general, but his emotional intelligence was incredible. We have definitely inherited sensitivity and the wisdom to reach others using intuition, from him and our mom. Our dad was just so mellow and cool, but if he said it, he meant it. I say something, I mean it, and I wouldn’t have promised him I would finish school if I didn’t plan on seeing it through. What made it so difficult though, is my dad is the one who was so invested in my education and health. He and I would sit and talk for hours, every week, and he never once failed to ask me about what I was learning and how I felt, forcing me to take a break if I felt too overwhelmed. That’s why, when I didn’t get into the radiology program in Fall 2015 for the Spring 2016 class, I was beyond upset. I was actually irate and strongly considered quitting school because at that point, I felt like I’d lost everything in just six months. Right after I kind of found solid ground again for the first time (post-stroke and living a “new normal” with an acquired brain injury) in three years. I was so done, y’all. Just mentally done and so, so, so angry.

Not only had I spent the past two years working toward getting into this program, but I just lost my dad six months before I found out I didn’t get in! I was already tired trying to get through school with a brain injury, my program was difficult, I really wanted in, and RADS was something my dad and I both could see me doing. I wanted to hold true to exactly what I said I’d do. I wanted to be working in neuroradiology, helping save the lives of people “like me,” and understand what actually happened to me, from a medical perspective. That was one way I’d give back since a CT scan helped save my life. But no, now my academic dream came crashing down, and I didn’t even have my dad to listen and help me sort it all out. I was truly angry. The thing is, some of my best decisions come out of me being angry. I can’t explain it, but anger really motivates me to push harder even though I’m exhausted and don’t know exactly what to do. So, I talked to some trusted friends and advisors, made my decision and changed my major within a couple of weeks. I was pissed about having to change direction, but I was determined to still graduate and do something I love. I’ve graduated, but it was not easy to graduate without my dad being there to cheer me on. He would’ve loved to celebrate me and my work, and that’s why it meant so much to me that my sister decorated the inside of my cap the way she did! I’m still determined to use my degree in a way to help those “like me,” raise awareness and advocate for those with brain injuries, stroke survivors, invisible illnesses. I’m not sure how I’m going to do it, but I’m going to do it. Mark my words. :)

I miss my dad every single day and there’s really not a day that goes by I don’t think about him. I need him more now than I did when I was younger, because he’s the one who would sit with me and help me find some calm in the chaos. If I didn’t know what to do and was stuck making a decision, I could take it all to him, dump it out and he would somehow sort it all into neat packages, give them to me, and tell me to “make good choices.” I could really use his help right now as I wait in this limbo state, trying to figure out exactly where I want my career to go. It’s difficult with a brain injury because I still struggle in a lot of ways, and I know how much I struggled when I went back to work in 2012. School was also difficult for me with this invisible (yet very real) injury, too, and I got through by pushing myself because it’d be too easy to just quit and I want to use what happened to me for a higher purpose than just having a story to tell. I just try to think of what he would tell me and how he’d want me to have peace and truth in my decision, and that helps a little bit. Our dad was all about “be true to you,” and living in the authenticity of who you are. When you are at peace with yourself and real with yourself, then and only then, can you be real with the world around you. You have to be who you are, not who the world expects you to be. That’s a lesson I’m beyond grateful for, because the world will try its damnedest to destroy you, and it’s inevitable that life throws some curveballs in your carefully laid plans.

I’m taking my time to be quiet and listen. I’m being patient and I’m absolutely dedicated to being true to me, because that’s how I was raised. I don’t like waiting, but I don’t have to like it to get it done. My life is different now and I have to be discriminating in how and where I spend my energy, as it’s limited. I only want to give the best I’ve got and I can’t do that when I’m not being true to me, or tired from doing too much. I don’t have to, and that’s something our dad left with me. He was so set in his routine and he knew himself so well it didn’t matter what anyone else thought of him. My siblings and I are very much like him that way. We just, do what we have to do, and that’s that. It’s refreshing, honestly. It won’t be this way forever and it’s just a season. Besides, I can sense a shift in energy and I know things will be looking up for me soon.

As much as I miss him, I give thanks I ever had a father to miss. Not everyone is so fortunate to have a father who is truly invested in their lives. My siblings and I definitely had a dad who was active, involved and present, and we are better for it. I don’t say that to say we are better than anyone else, nor do we think that way. I say it to acknowledge who our dad was and how much he impacted our lives while he was here as well as the legacy he left us, that we carry on. We are all living our lives as we were raised to do, and we definitely stick together no matter where in the world we are. I really mean it when I say we’re like a braid of three different colored strands, woven together. Stronger together and different, but unified. They are two of the greatest gifts of my life! I’m really proud of us and I know our dad would be so proud of us! That’s what keeps me going.

I’m still working through my grief (it’s not a linear process nor is there a timeline) because I didn’t focus much on my feelings, since I knew I had to handle my business and finish school. Haha just typing that made me hear my dad saying, “handle your business!” This is the first year since my stroke I’m not working or in school, and I have all this time to actually work through these tough emotions. It’s not easy or pretty, but it’s real and because I’m me, I’m going to be honest! It never gets easier, I think I just learn how to manage it better as time goes by. Having some close friends who also lost their dads in their 20s, as well as therapy and a strong support system has helped. I’m very thankful for everyone who has supported my siblings and me throughout the passing of our dad! It means so much to us.

I am a very sentimental person, so pictures mean a lot to me. These pictures are some of my favorites from over the years.

Black and white photo of Robin and dad.
100% a daddy’s girl from the beginning! :)
Black and white photo of family.
February 14, 2015. The last picture of our dad. This was so funny because our cousins were visiting from D.C. (whom we hadn’t seen in years at that point) and my dad did not believe me they were coming to see us.

He thought I was joking and told me “Man, Rob, don’t play with me!” I tried to tell him I was serious and just to wait and see, but since he had to go to work that night, he told me to leave him alone and let him rest. Haha I just said “okay dad, you’ll see,” and walked out of his room. He was so happy and surprised when they showed up! I’ll never forget it! :)
Visual of a Bible verse at a memorial service.
One of the verses we had at our dad’s memorial. When we thought of the life he lived and a verse that might capsulize what our dad lived for, this is the one. It’s also why I chose “do good, live well” for my graduation cap. That’s essentially how we were raised by our parents, and was our dad’s main goal to teach us.
Black and white photo of dad's urn at the memorial.
I shared this photo on Instagram on Father’s Day 2015 with the caption:
“The urn in which my father’s body now resides. Part of his spirit lives on through me and my siblings, and all of the lessons he gave us. Gone but never forgotten.”
Black and white photo of Robin with her cremation necklace
Just showing my cremain (urn necklace) jewelry on my dad’s birthday, 2018. I wear the necklace when I want to feel closer to him and/or take him with me. I chose the infinity because it looks like the number eight, which was his birth month and date, and he gave me love that will live on forever.
Black and white photo of Robin, Kayla and Kevin laughing together.
These two! Oh, how I love them so much! The three of us are so different but also so much alike. I like to say we’re like a braid of three different colored strands, entwined together. I have no idea what we were laughing at, but it had to be something funny. It was probably something Kevin said and Kayla just happened to get the right moment.

I give thanks for them every single day and I’m grateful I’ve had them to walk through this journey together.

Life is so fragile and strange, but it is also beautiful. I have to rest in that knowledge and live with that belief everyday, regardless of what’s going on around me. I have to find it within myself to keep going, regardless of what’s happening without. I was raised very well and I choose to live like it. So much has changed, so much lost, but also so much gained. I give thanks for perspective and eyes that still see the good. Our dad gave us that ability and it’s a gift in life. For this, I will forever give thanks for the gift our my father, even though he’s gone Home.

May he continue to race in peace.

If you knew our dad, you know he loved Tupac. Right as I typed the last sentence, “you are appreciated” started playing on my phone. Haha what a sign! I’m listening, and I give thanks! KARs will always be appreciated. :)

Celebrating life!

Alison Beck, my friend and wonderful photographer, was able to do a few more edits and post a blog entry about me, today.  Here are just a couple that she shared on Facebook, and I want to share here.

Yesterday was so full of authentic laughter (we seriously laugh SO much when we’re together and just “vibe” well together), friendship, and life.  I loved it. :)


Seriously laughing.  This was in an abandoned gas station and as she was shooting the picture, we noticed another photographer shooting her, while she was shooting me.  It was so funny!
Seriously laughing. This was in an abandoned gas station and as she was shooting the picture, we noticed another photographer shooting her, while she was shooting me. It was so funny!

Hahahaha. I cannot honestly tell you why I was laughing, but I’m sure it was something very funny. Probably one of the many cars who slowed to a crawl to see what we were up to, or something. Who knows? :)

Thank you, Alison for your incredible talent, friendship, and love.  I appreciate your presence in my life and I just think you’re awesome.  Seriously!  Y’all go check out her blog here: because she’s wonderful!

P.S., Paul, if you’re somewhere out there and happen to read this entry, Alison told me to think about your reaction to my hair “Hey! Is that the girl with the afro?!?!” to get some of the laughter shots.  It definitely worked. :)

Just call me…

A logophile.  Lover of words.  While you’re at it, call me a bibliophile as well.  Lover of books.

That might be “nerdy,” or whatever, but it is true.  I just love how words have such power. You can use words to build someone up, or tear them down. Even in the Bible, words are often the subject of discussion.  More importantly, what you use your tongue to speak.  Proverbs 18:21 is one of the best verses in reference to the tongue and the words you speak.  Just make sure you “watch” your words.


Still living well.

Shane and Shane! :) This song.  I just love it so much and the lyrics randomly entered into my mind this morning, so I have to share it!


I’ve been busy this month, but doing well.  Trying to get everything planned for a best friend’s wedding, and just enjoying life.  I’m just really grateful to even be here.  Even when things don’t go my way, I don’t understand what God is doing, or if He’s doing anything at all, I’m reminded of the painful parts, I am grateful.  I know that all of this is coming together in ways I can’t even imagine.  I also know that He gifted me with a beautiful imagination haha.  But He is above and beyond anything I can see or dream.  See Ephesians 3:20-21 :)

Anyway, yesterday (February 17) marked one year since I came home.  I remember that day so vividly.  The last time I saw the sun was the day of February 4, 2012. As I left the hospital on February 17, 2012,  I remember everything seeming so new and so beautiful.  Haha I felt like “the new girl in town.”  I know that seems silly, but being inside for 12 days straight and not really seeing nature, then going outside and feeling brisk air on your skin, the sun shining brightly, hearing the sounds of hurried traffic, it just… Feels so new.  I remember being somewhat nauseous and dizzy on that car ride home.  That went away within a couple of weeks, but I was so nervous to live for a while.  Yesterday, I wrote and posted the following status on my Facebook.  I just wanted to share it here, too, so y’all can see where I’m at right now. :)

“I know many of my posts are novel length, but I don’t care!

My heart is on overload right now. Seriously struggling to hold back tears. I came home today, one year ago. The first time seeing the sun in 12 days. But more than that, I saw the Son’s love for me.

He could have let me leave this place. He could have let the words of the doctors hold true, and those 10-20% chances of survival or severe impairment should I survive, could’ve won. I could’ve been dead or severely disabled for one year now. Second time death came knocking at my door, but He said not yet.

Speaking of suffering, and I know He allowed it to literally transform my mind. Ro is my nickname, and 12/2 is my birthday. Romans 12:2 describes this experience so literally (brain attack) and perfectly.

So grateful for life and for how He’s used this to transform my life. Thankful for grace, mercy, and patience.

Life is beautiful, y’all and I am thankful for each aspect of it, whether I would’ve asked for it or not. Thank You, Lord.

Have a blessed day, everyone! Tomorrow is a privilege, not a promise. Remember that, and keep the faith, keep the fight! <3”

I’ll probably come back and write something else in a couple of days, but right now I just feel like sitting outside basking in the sun and painting.  Speaking of which, I’ll show y’all a painting I did for a friend in Alabama.  He asked me via Twitter back in December if I’d make him a canvas after I had posted some I made.  I said sure, but I didn’t get around to it with the holidays and all.  Anyway, his birthday was February 15, so I made him this and sent it out as a surprise.  He and his family loved it, and I had fun making it.  This was not my intended design at all, but I actually loved the way it turned out!! :)


There are two separate canvases, each 11×14.  Vinyl letters, grey, red, and white paint came together to make his favorite verse.  I painted them messy because we humans are messy and God’s love for us purifies us each day.  We’ll never be perfect, but God’s love in us is perfect.  Taylor LOVED them!!  Haha that’s what I was aiming for.  I think I’m gonna paint a few more, since I got some supplies last week at Michaels with my 50% off coupon, and the canvases were on sale. :)

Hope y’all are all doing well, and stay blessed!!

Themes and Inspiration!

Why so blue?  Haha… I wanted a theme that was more “fall/winter-ish” and I think I may have missed the mark, now that I look at it.  The colors just look too dark.  So blah and depressing! I’m going to have to find a new theme that’s still fall-ish without being so “dark.”  I probably chose that theme when I was in a less than stellar mood, honestly.  Haha.

Anyway… Two songs came to mind as I published my last post… I wanted to share them here.  But as I type that out, I can only remember one of the two… Hmmm… Well, here’s the one I remember! Haha.

This. Song.  I just LOVE it so much!  I mean seriously, listen to those lyrics… Beautiful!  It’s well after the fact, but I can only imagine that I was seriously calling out to God (even under sedation/tubes/trauma) and asking Him to be with me.  Well, obviously, if I wrote that I wasn’t scared the day of surgery because “God is with me.”  When I heard this song, I was sing-praying it over one of my “brothers’ who is currently serving our country overseas.  But then I listened to the lyrics and it just touched my heart so much.  I was like “THIS!!!!”  Haha… It just perfectly sums up my mindset about this year.  Incredible.  I absolutely love music, and even more so when it perfectly aligns with my mindset.  Thank God for music! Amen! :)

Okay, now I’m off to hunt for a theme that I like.  One that is fall-ish, but not so… Bland!

Ramblings of an inquisitive mind…

Fact: I question everything.  Really, everything.  I don’t know why I’m this way, or if I was always this way, or what… But I just question everything.

Simply put, I want knowledge for the sake of being knowledgeable.  I don’t want to know everything so that I can one-up the next person, be condescending, or anything that would imply I’m superior.  I want to know everything (or at least as much as I possibly can about what interests me–which seems like everything) just so that I can know it.  I have no particular reasoning for it, at all.

It makes me laugh, but sometimes my mind is just racing so much that I can’t turn it off and I can’t stop asking questions!  Luckily, I am able to have a sense of humor about this… But let me tell you, it gets annoying very quickly.  People “like me” are sure to “get it,” when I say “Why don’t we have off switches for our brains?”

I even wonder how my brain is recovering, since I never stop questioning everything!  I know I have moderate encephalomalacia  (cerebral softening) of the right temporal lobe… Aka, brain damage/brain injury.  With a somewhat injured portion of my brain, how is it that I even have the energy to think?  Perhaps my neurosurgeon could run a scan of my brain and somehow judge if the neurons are firing as they should, even if there is a damaged portion?

Haha the question is, why do I care?  Really… Why?  I don’t even have an answer, except that I’m forever curious and will forever be a student, if only at heart.  Traditional education is nice, but I don’t think it necessarily prepares you much for what life will throw at you. I mean, I could’ve taken a class in “how to prepare for a catastrophic illness” and studied well, and I assure you I would have not been prepared in any way for what occurred late the night of February 4.  You just don’t know something unless you live it out.  Plain and simple!

About my ruptured brain aneurysm, I have the following questions:

For real?
That really happened to me?
Why me, and not one of my siblings?  Of course, I don’t wish this on anyone… But why am I the 1 out of 4?
Why me, when I didn’t even exhibit any of the risk factors for a stroke?
Is a subarachnoid hemorrhage a type of stroke?  Hemorrhagic stroke?
Why can I only remember a few parts of the night of the 4th, even though I was conscious and communicating clearly in the ER?
What is in Dilaudid?  Seriously, that stuff is strong!
What really happened to me?
How can one tiny little aneurysm cause that much damage?
How did this happen when I’m only 24?
How can I prevent another one from happening?
Was mine genetic? My mom’s aunt suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm, and survived.  She also had a cousin experience a ruptured brain aneurysm who did not survive.
For real?
That really happened to me?
I thought if you were young, you were supposed to live forever?  Hello, no one is invincible.  Insert reality check, here.
Why did it take something so disastrous for me to “wake up” about God?  On the other hand, I’m very grateful that I have a real-lationship with God and I love Him. :)
Can one person survive two life threatening medical experiences in 24 years. and still walk away nearly unscathed?  I was born extremely premature.  Micropreemie, weighing in at 1 (yes, ONE) pound and 8 ounces.  3 months and 17 (or 108) days early.
What does God want me to do, here?
Why did He leave me here in(mostly)  “normal” conditions, when many others have suffered a lesser fate?
Why did I get such a cool neurosurgeon?  Shoutout to Dr. Jonathan A. White at UT Southwestern in Dallas, Texas!  He’s seriously so cool.  His demeanor is almost eerily chill haha.  I just don’t understand how someone could have such calm, whose career involves doing something as delicate as brain (or spinal) surgery, knowing even the tiniest mistake literally has the power of completely altering someone’s life.  He’s so laid back… Which explains why I shrugged him off with a slight laugh when he told me on March 6 “When we first got you, we didn’t think we could do anything to save you.”  Lo and behold, he was not kidding.
Do I always have to do things to such extremes?  I couldn’t have been just a week or two early… No, I had to come 14 weeks and 3 days early. Then, I couldn’t have just had a ruptured brain aneurysm… No, I had to walk around with it slowly leaking (sentinel headache) for 3 days before it all out ruptured lending me “a grade 4 or 5, pretty bad” (see Hunt and Hess Scale) ruptured brain aneurysm.
How did I even survive as I have when I was doing everything wrong?  Seriously, y’all… It is not conducive to good health to be taking 800 mg of Ibuprofen, downing Caramel Macchiato’s (thanks, Starbucks), taking Advil Cold and Sinus (hey, pseudoephedrine that raises blood pressure), and drinking 1/2 of a Michelob Ultra all in one day, just thinking it’ll get rid of this “annoying headache” that you’ve had in varying intensities on and off for ohhh, 3 days.  Really… I should have went to the doctor when the headache woke me up on the morning of February 1.  It was the “weirdest” headache I’ve ever had, I haven’t had another like it since, and I hope I never have another one.  It was like… Someone kicked me in the back of my head (where the crown of your head is) and it was very sharp, sudden, and aching.  I should have known this one was different.  Due to my ignorance, I thought I was coming down with some kind of weird cold or something.  Winter’s notorious for that.
For real?

Of course I have many other questions like:
Why is the sky blue, and grass green?  Why can’t the sky be green, and the grass blue?
What are you thinking?
What is it about humans to constantly repeat the same cycle over, and over, and over again? Seriously… The more that I think, the more I realize history truly does repeat itself.  Same theme, different “characters,” different time.
What if God was one of us?
Why on Earth would some people ever name their kids some of the most ridiculous names?
You are kidding, right?
What would constitute an “old soul?”  Just wondering, because I’m constantly told things like “You have wisdom beyond your years.”  Thank you, by the way. :)
Why is music so visceral and universal?
What am I supposed to do with my life?  Really, help me out if y’all have any suggestions!! I’m willing to learn :)
Why do some people think about everything and it seems others don’t think at all?
Why do I love words so much?  Even though I don’t really like to talk that often.
Are we ever going to get past race?  Guess what?  We are all a part of the human race, our ethnicities are what make us “different.”  In reality, though, we are only different in terms of pigmentation because of melanin in the skin. Well, people have different temperaments too, but honestly we share more common ground than many care to realize or truthfully acknowledge.
Why did my browser just shut out?
Who invented the auto save feature on WordPress? Thank you for saving this post!
Who invented the WordPress app for Android? Thank you for allowing me to finish this post from my phone.

Clearly, I wonder about almost everything. More than I’ve even hinted at in this post to be sure. But… As I continue through this maze of life, there is one question that could hold eternal in my mind, and it is this: Is this real life?

Haha! I hope y’all are all doing well, wherever you are in this (United States) country, or in the world. Blessings to you all, and remember tomorrow is a privilege, not a promise. Make it right today. :)

Love is an action word.

I’m of the notion that love needs to be more about what you do, and less about what you say.


I just finished reading this lovely, inspiring, awesome book:

It was full of stories of hope, passion, love, acceptance, justice, determination, and faith.  I loved it!!  I finished it in like… Two days, I think.  As an avid reader, I can say there have been a few books I didn’t want to see come to a close.  This is on that list.  I could’ve read it forever and been perfectly content.

 It confirmed many of the thoughts I’ve always had, but haven’t exactly been able to express in a coherent way.  It speaks of ordinary people, doing extraordinary things in the name of love.  They live(d) love out, instead of just talking about it or dreaming about it.  If everyone had even just an ounce of what the people in this book did, we’d all be doing much better off.  If you like to read, and you like inspirational, uplifting, lighthearted reads, I suggest you get your hands on a copy of this!!  It was so awesome :)

And because today is national sibling day, I’ve got to show a picture of me with my 3 siblings. :)  This was taken when I was in the hospital in February, obviously… But it’s the firs time the 4 of us have been together in a picture in many years, and I will always love it!  

:)  Love those 3!

I’m doing alright, hanging in there, moving one day at a time… Soaking in every moment.  Life is good.  This week has thrown a few roadblocks in my way… But I’m navigating around them.  Slowed down, but never stopped.  That’s my life story.  Haha.  I hope that all of y’all (my readers) are doing well!!  Be blessed!!

Another one of those posts where I’m unsure of a title.

I wrote and posted this status on Facebook this morning, and I felt the need to share it here, as well.  :)

“Okay… This (novel length-haha) status may seem mean, but that is not my intention. My intention is to try and reach people, so that maybe they too will have a change in heart (as I have– praise God) and truly give their life up to the Lord. So… With that being said, I’m telling y’all right now that a few of you will probably offended and may even see me differently, but that’s okay. The truth usually offends people. I know my heart in saying what I’m about to say, and so does He. That’s all that matters. Here goes!Just because a person dies does not mean that they go to Heaven. Yes, I really just said that. Let it sink in, because it’s the truth.

I guess it’s a common misconception sought out in the need of trying to find comfort in dealing with the loss of a loved one through death. A great loss, eternal, and final. Truthfully, you just want to feel that the person you care for is no longer in pain, and that they’ll forever rest in peace. I understand that sentiment very well, and I would like that for everyone. That’s why I’m saying this. I love people as a whole (even if I may dislike individuals) and I hate to see people suffering. It breaks my heart.

Anyway, 6 months ago, when I was dying and didn’t know it, I can tell y’all with 100% sincerity and honesty that I would NOT have gone to Heaven. I just wouldn’t. Not because I was an evil person or some highly immoral sinner. But because I hadn’t (yet) had a HEART change. That’s why we’re commanded in Proverbs 4:23 “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” My heart wasn’t right. Sure, I did and said a lot of nice things, and those who know me best know that I was overall a good person, one they’d feel went straight to Heaven had I died. Thank y’all for that. But I know I wouldn’t have, because my heart wasn’t right with God, wholly. My heart was right with Him sometimes, and quite often… But it wasn’t wholly right, day in and day out. My heart didn’t belong to God. It belonged to me and whatever I wanted to do at the time. Everything we do comes from our hearts. It’s kind of crazy to trace every action or thought back to your heart, but if you really think about it, you might be able to see the connection. Anyway, on February 10 (4 days after an emergency brain surgery to save my life) I made the decision to give my heart to Him for good. I had grown up in church, I was baptized at a young(ish) age, I prayed the prayers, and sang the songs. It was just routine, and something I did because I liked it (but I hadn’t yet loved it) enough. My heart wasn’t in it. I decided in that ICU room that obviously I had undergone something very serious that I may have not survived. I didn’t know it yet just how close I was to death, but I knew my head hurt bad enough and that I felt weak enough I felt like I could have died and I was scared, because I realized in my heart that I didn’t know where I would’ve went and I wasn’t right with God. I made the decision to change that right then, and nothing has been the same since.

John 3:3 reads “Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.'” Everyday we have another chance at life on this Earth, is a day we have the opportunity (and should grasp it) to be born again. To give our hearts, bodies, minds, and souls to Jesus Christ. This is easy, yet we never take advantage of it, because it requires so much sacrifice and change. But you know what? The greatest sacrifice has already been made, and the debt paid. He paid our debt when He was sacrificed on the cross to pay for our sins. Do you hear that? He died for you. Yes, you. Me. Our families, friends, strangers we don’t even know. We can go to Him in our brokenness and sins, ask for forgiveness and truly repent of them, and we will be forgiven because He’s already paid the ultimate cost. All He asks in return is that we keep His commandments (John 14:15), and live for Him in everything (Colossians 3 is GREAT scripture to read for living a life focused on Him), and to love Him with everything we have (Mark 12:30). I truthfully don’t think those are too big of sacrifices to make, when I consider He DIED for me. Surely, I can LIVE for Him.

Back to John 3:3. To be born again means to be spiritually reborn. It is a definite and sure change, and I assure you that you can feel it in your heart. Everything will become different to you. It’s truly like you see with different eyes, hear with different ears, and think with a new mind (Romans 12:2) and it is beautiful. I encourage you all to try it for yourself. Ask Jesus into your heart and allow Him to reign supreme over everything your life. Confess that you are a sinner in need of a Savior, and that you believe Jesus died for your sins. You need to mean this with your heart and be sincere, though. When you do this, He will hear you, and send His Holy Spirit to dwell within you (Ephesians 1:13-14) guaranteeing your inheritance. If you think He doesn’t care about you, or that He can’t hear you… That’s not true. He does care, and He can hear everyone! He even says in Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. FOr everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” See? Just go to Him. He’ll be there, and He will answer. Reminds me of the song that Hillsong sings (The Rescue– beautiful song) “I called, You answered. And You came to my rescue and I wanna be where You are.”

When you give your life and heart up to God, you do truly feel the way they sing in those songs. Now that I’m living my life for God, I can feel the Christian songs I once sang just out of routine or because I thought the words are pretty. Haha, a friend of mine cries “Jesus tears” at music, and I totally get it, now!! The lyrics just have new meaning. I’m telling y’all… Everything becomes new when you give your life up to Him. It’s a beautiful thing, and if you truly do want to go to Heaven when your time on Earth is done, then you’ll have to make a true heart change and give it all up for Him. I want this for everyone, just as I was so graciously (and I could talk about God’ INCREDIBLE saving grace all day long haha) granted another chance to get it right. Ephesians 2 is another good read on this, especially verses 8-9. They read “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith– and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not by works, so that no one can boast.” Amen. I don’t brag about me doing this… I made the decision to have a real-lationship with God, and this is no doing of my own, but of Him living through me. I didn’t choose to “get real” with Him either just to go to Heaven. No, I want to live for Him because He has given me life again when He could have easily called me out of this world. I’m so thankful for that. God is so good.

So, y’all… Just let me say it again: tomorrow is a privilege, not a promise. Make it right today. Life is fleeting, and we never know when our time could be over. Take what time you do have to make it right with Him. Yeah, you’ll have to walk a less traveled road, and it won’t be easy… But the eternal reward is what it’s all about. It’s worth it. That’s all I want to say. I love y’all, and I pray everyone has a blessed day. ♥”