The Art of Racing in the Rain

Absolutely love this book!

Every once in a while, I will read a book that grasps my heart and won’t let go.  I took a chance on The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, after reading positive reviews and a synopsis on a forum earlier this week while hunting for new literature.  You see, as much as I love to write, I love to read.  I began reading on my own at the age of three and I haven’t really slowed down much since.  For me, reading is such an escape and it gives me time to reflect and think.

While school is in session, most of my reading is strictly for school.  During this winter break, however, I just wanted to read something for leisure.  I love dogs, love cars, and love “feel good” stories, so I thought “well, it can’t hurt, right?”  I downloaded The Art of Racing in the Rain to my Kindle app on 12/22, began reading early in the morning on 12/24, and I just finished it a bit after noon today.  I’m glad that this was one of my Christmas gift purchases to myself from myself, because it inspired a new hope in my heart.  Amazon and I have quite the connection, as much money as I spend on there just for books! Haha, I love it though!

Without giving too much away, The Art of Racing in the Rain tells the tale of a family from the viewpoint of their lab-terrier mix, Enzo.  I haven’t ever read a book that is narrated by a dog, but if there is another one out there, I hope it is as well written as this book is!  I have read so many books, but this one is easily in my top ten.  The Giver  by Lois Lowry is probably my favorite book of all time, but I know there are so many more books to be read.  In the meantime, though, my heart is satisfied with this.

I did some research and found out that there are plans to turn The Art of Racing in the Rain into a movie.  If it is true, I hope they do justice by the book.  Often times, I’m disappointed with movies based on novels, because they just don’t live up to the books.  I would be really upset if any details were left out, because they truly add to the plot line.  This book was so charming, at times raw, and really warming.  Grab your tissues if you do choose to read it, because it tugs at the heart strings.  I know this is a book that I can go back to just for inspiration, and I always appreciate that from a book.

Hope that you are all doing and feeling well, wherever you are!  I’m having a rough week with a nasty barometric pressure migraine, so I’m just lying low today, but still enjoying Christmas in my own way. Coffee, a warm bed, and a good book. It’s well enough for me. :)

Keep the faith, keep the fight!  Merry Christmas to you and yours, and God bless!