To my brain buddies: This is perfect!

I was browsing some stuff on the interwebz, as I’m thinking of going back to school for something related to brain injured people… I mean, I “get it,” so why not help others? I think that’d be awesome.  Anyway, I stumbled across this article and it really just touched me.  It’s so perfect and so perfectly says the words I can’t always find to say, but need to express.  I’m sure y’all will relate, too!  Or even if you’re not a “brain buddy” of mine, it would be nice for you to read it, too to get some understanding on how we operate, now.  It’s rough… But I think if we ( the injured) can explain it then you (the non-injured) can better cooperate with us and help us heal.


Here’s the link:


Ahhh, I wish I could just print this article out and hand a copy to every person I come into contact with.  Yes, I look normal, I sound normal, I can walk normally and see normally, too… But I do have an injury.  It is invisible, and I don’t use the fact that I have a brain injury to try and be lazy, incompetent, or insubordinate.  I’m not looking for your pity, and I’m not looking for your judgment.  You don’t understand what it’s like to be in this situation and I pray that you never do.


I’m not mad, just trying to let y’all know where we’re coming from. :)  God bless you all!