Random Musings.

I really don’t have much to say, except that today has been such a day of peace, acceptance, and love.

I am just so grateful for the people in my life.  A dear friend of mine, Michael and I shared some words this morning that were heartfelt and it just sent me on a mental journey of the love that’s been shown to me these past 17 months.  It’s really incredible to know how sacrificial, whole, non judgmental, authentic love feels.

God has really blessed me through the relationships I hold in my life.  I’m not referring to romantic relationships, haha, I have some incredibly solid friendships and a lot of them have turned into more familial relationships.  That’s so awesome.  I am really at peace internally, even though chaos surges on around me.  That’s how I know that I am actually as strong as people tell me I am when they compliment me.  There’s just an inner peace, and it can’t be shaken.

Life might not always feel good, but life is good, indeed.

I hope that y’all are all doing (and feeling) well, wherever you may be!

Keep the faith, keep the fight! :)