People actually care about thigh gaps and hip dips?

In my last post, I mentioned that ten months out, I feel healthy.  This morning, I was lurking Twitter under the hashtag #fitspo which is where I found plenty of fitness accounts of people who are trying their best to change their bodies, one meal, one protein shake, one workout at a time!  I love that.  I do not, however, love this “thigh gap” business.  Nor do I love the “hip dip” issue many people (mostly women) seem to have.  What in the world?  Stop it!!  You are beautiful!  Victoria’s Secret fashion shows might be fun, but man do they mess up some perceptions of reality for some women.  It’s sad, and kind of sickening.

Psalm 139:13-16 reads (NIV) “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.  My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.  Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

That means, stop obsessing about what you don’t look like, work to change what you can if it sincerely bothers you, and love the body that you have!  You’ll only have one body.  It really does sadden me to see girls who go to extremes in order to look whichever way they perceive to be “perfect.”  Newsflash, sweethearts, perfection is an illusion!!!   That’s right, I said it.  What may be “perfect” to you may look quite imperfect to a bystander.  For instance, I am almost anti anything unnatural.  Unless you need something modified on your body for health reasons, leave your body alone.  Fake breasts, fake lips, fake hair, fake nails, fake tans, implants to create body parts you weren’t born with, it is just very unattractive to me.  I’m of the notion that natural is beautiful.  However you look naturally, is your best look.  It’s one thing to take care of yourself, which I’m all for, I can be a girly girl too, I like makeup… I just rarely ever wear it.  I just like people to look like people, not 3D designs of Photoshop.

It’s okay to love who you are, as you are.  Really, it is.  Take care of your health, exercise because you should, eat right because it goes hand in hand with exercise, stay away or seriously limit your alcohol intake, don’t smoke…  That’s all good and well, but don’t take it to extremes.  You have to look like a human in order to be a human.

Another thing that really bothers me about this whole fitness thing is the fact that people expect results without actually working to achieve them.  I have a lot of self control, and a lot of discipline.  I know that if I want something, I’m going to have to put in work to get it.  Simple as that.  Obviously, not everyone is this way, though.  But seriously don’t complain about it if you’re not doing the work to change it.  What you put in, you get out!  If you only ever eat junk, processed food, don’t be surprised when that number on the scale continues to creep upwards.  You. Have. To. Eat. Right. Along. With. Exercise!  I don’t know what is so baffling about that concept.  I hate the mindset of “I can eat whatever I want if I run an extra mile tonight at the gym!” You need to be eating to fuel your body through your workout, not to satisfy whatever craving you have.  It’s good to give in occasionally, and I’m not the type to think you need to deprive yourself of those heavenly cream cheese brownies.  But I am saying that you need to be conscious of what you’re eating, how much you’re eating, and when you’re eating.  Food is fuel.  Starving yourself for “skinny” won’t help you, either.  In fact, you’re endangering yourself.   It’s not even about being skinny, but about being healthy!  I’m a naturally petite/small person, but am I fit and healthy? No.  Haha.  I need to get in the gym to get toned up, and make sure that I’m eating regular meals and snacks.  I also need to watch what I’m drinking.  Liquid calories are real.  Water has 0 calories, and it’s the best thing you can drink.  I’m a Texan, I love my sweet tea, but I don’t love caffeine’s dehydrating effects or my brain’s ability to stay wired off of minute amounts of caffeine, these days.

I don’t know what kept me from posting this blog yesterday, and now I don’t remember what else it is I wanted to add before I posted this. Blame it on the brain surgery… I do that a lot. :)  Sometimes my mind just works much more differently, these days.  That’s alright, though.  I guess I just want people (men and women–because both struggle with body issues) to love their bodies as their own bodies.  Not what some Photoshopped image on a magazine cover appears to be, not what a 5’11” 115 lb model appears to be, not what a body builder who squats 300 lbs. appears to be.  Love you for you!   Change what you are able to change, take care of your health, and love who you are.  It’s who He created you to be!