Faith Surrounds It All.

Canvas painting I made on June 19, while I was feeling highly creative. :)
Canvas painting I made on June 19, 2013 during a moment of creative expression. :)

“What’s the story behind it?”
“It doesn’t have a story,” was my response to my friend’s curiosity.

However, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I chose each color for a specific reason. Time for some introspection! I was feeling very creative yesterday morning, it was cloudy and calm outside, I just wanted to paint something, anything at all, and this was the result.  I had been staring at the blank white canvas when I thought about just painting how I feel.  I used different shades of blue, a grey, yellow, and white.  Why, though?  Well… The different shades of blue are representative of the depths of the ocean that is brain injury.

The deeper shades of blue and grey represent the vastness and murkiness of the waters in which I sometimes feel I am drowning. The light blue represents the times where life seems almost normal again, and the pain doesn’t touch as deeply.  Like shallow waters.  The yellow is representative of the light that is always to be found, even in the midst of deep, inexplicable pain.  The white is my favorite part, though, because it represents faith.  Faith is what has been carrying me through this.  A life jacket of sorts.  Faith surrounds everything and circumstance in this ordeal.  Faith surrounds my life and I cannot explain it, you either have it or you do not.  Faith is the foundation of this painting (that’s why it’s at the base of the picture) and it is in between every shade of emotion I experience.  It was painted in an abstract fashion because this entire brain aneurysm/brain injury/”new normal” lifestyle has no direction.  It is every way and no way, all at once.  It makes little sense, just like most abstract pictures seem to have no rhyme or reason.  It is abstract because I feel (even more) abstract, now.  No matter what I feel, though, faith is still present.

  Faith surrounds it all.  That’s the story behind it.

:)  I think the writer’s block has finally decided to make its exit.  I will hopefully be back with some “meat and potatoes” for y’all, soon!  It just takes a lot of (mental) energy for me to write.  I have to be in the right mental space… Literally a “get your head in the game” kind of process when I write!  I do hope that you are all doing (and feeling) well, wherever you may be!!!

Keep the faith, keep the fight!!